Import libraries:
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.display import display
from IPython.display import Image
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis as LDA
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis as QDA
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier as RandomForest
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
from sklearn.linear_model import LassoCV
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
from sklearn.linear_model import RidgeCV
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc, roc_auc_score
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier as KNN
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz
from statsmodels.api import OLS
from import add_constant
import datetime
import matplotlib
import as cmx
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sp
import seaborn.apionly as sns
import sklearn.metrics as metrics
import statsmodels.api as sm
import sys
import urllib
import warnings
Read in ADNIMERGE and CSF datasets:
adnimerge = pd.read_csv('ADNIMERGE.csv')
csf = pd.read_csv('UPENNBIOMK_MASTER.csv')
Preliminary data cleaning:
CSF measurements are taken in multiple batches. The UPENN dataset includes the median of values across batches which serve as a good summary value for each patient/timepoint. We will use these median values for our analyses.
ADNIMERGE contains two variables near the end called 'Month' and 'M' which are identical to one another and are also redundant with VISCODE. Drop 'M' but keep 'Month' in case it is useful for parsing in longitudinal analysis. Also drop all variables with suffix '_bl' as these are redundant in our analysis since we are only looking at baseline data.
csf_bl = csf.loc[csf['VISCODE']=='bl'].loc[csf['BATCH']=='MEDIAN'] #baseline csf values
csf_bl = csf_bl.drop(['ABETA_RAW', 'TAU_RAW', 'PTAU_RAW'], axis=1) #drop raw data (use only scaled data)
adnimerge_bl = adnimerge.loc[adnimerge['VISCODE']=='bl'] #baseline adnimerge values
adnimerge_bl = adnimerge_bl.drop('M', axis=1)
adnimerge_bl = adnimerge_bl.drop(['EXAMDATE_bl', 'CDRSB_bl', 'ADAS11_bl', 'ADAS13_bl', 'MMSE_bl',
'RAVLT_immediate_bl', 'RAVLT_learning_bl', 'RAVLT_forgetting_bl',
'RAVLT_perc_forgetting_bl', 'FAQ_bl', 'Ventricles_bl',
'Hippocampus_bl', 'WholeBrain_bl', 'Entorhinal_bl', 'Fusiform_bl',
'MidTemp_bl', 'ICV_bl', 'MOCA_bl', 'EcogPtMem_bl', 'EcogPtLang_bl',
'EcogPtVisspat_bl', 'EcogPtPlan_bl', 'EcogPtOrgan_bl',
'EcogPtDivatt_bl', 'EcogPtTotal_bl', 'EcogSPMem_bl',
'EcogSPLang_bl', 'EcogSPVisspat_bl', 'EcogSPPlan_bl',
'EcogSPOrgan_bl', 'EcogSPDivatt_bl', 'EcogSPTotal_bl', 'FDG_bl',
'AV45_bl', 'Years_bl', 'Month_bl'], axis=1)
merged_dx = pd.merge(left=adnimerge_bl, right=csf_bl, left_on='RID', right_on='RID', how='left')
Our outcome of interest (autopsy-proven diagnosis) is stored in the column 'DX_bl'.
print("No. of missing values in 'DX_bl':", merged_dx['DX_bl'].isnull().sum())
Collapse dx_bl into 3 categories, coded as follows:
merged_dx['Base_DX']= merged_dx['DX_bl'].copy()
merged_dx.loc[merged_dx['DX_bl']=='SMC','Base_DX'] = 0
merged_dx.loc[merged_dx['DX_bl']=='CN','Base_DX'] = 0
merged_dx.loc[merged_dx['DX_bl']=='EMCI','Base_DX'] = 1
merged_dx.loc[merged_dx['DX_bl']=='LMCI','Base_DX'] = 1
merged_dx.loc[merged_dx['DX_bl']=='MCI','Base_DX'] = 1
merged_dx.loc[merged_dx['DX_bl']=='AD','Base_DX'] = 2
#confirm conversion
print('observations per protocol:')
We restrict our analysis to data collected via the ADNI2 protocol.
Extract ADNI2 data:
adnitwo = merged_dx.loc[merged_dx['COLPROT']=='ADNI2']
print('shape of extracted ADNI data: ', adnitwo.shape)
Drop columns with large proportion of missing values:
#drop 'FLDSTRENG' and 'FSVERSION' variables (unknown meaning and missing values)
adnitwo = adnitwo.drop(['FLDSTRENG', 'FSVERSION', 'FLDSTRENG_bl', 'FSVERSION_bl'], axis=1)
#drop PIB (not measured in ADNI2)
adnitwo = adnitwo.drop(['PIB', 'PIB_bl'], axis=1)
print('shape after dropping empty/sparse columns: ', adnitwo.shape)
print('\nNumber of missing values for remaining features:')
for col in adnitwo.columns:
print(col, adnitwo[col].isnull().sum())
Rows with remaining missing values:
plt.hist(adnitwo.isnull().sum(axis=1), bins=100) #To find the number of missing datapoints in each row
plt.title('Histogram of Number of Missing Values Per Patient')
plt.xlabel("Number of missing values")
plt.ylabel("Number of patients")
Based on the histogram above, the majority of observations contain 0 missing values, but there is still a tail of observations containing some missing values. If we drop all observations with missing values, then the total number of observations remaining is:
adnitwo_full = adnitwo.dropna(axis='rows')
print('No. of observations without any missing values:', adnitwo_full.shape[0])
We can retain a larger proportion of observations by dropping only observations with ≥10 missing values and imputing remaining missing values.
threshold = adnitwo.shape[1] - 10
adnitwo_dropten = adnitwo.dropna(axis='rows', thresh=threshold) #thresh = min # of non-NaN values
print('Number of rows after dropping those with ≥10 NaNs:', adnitwo_dropten.shape[0])
print('\nNumbers of Missing Values per Feature After Removing Observations with ≥10 NaNs:')
for col in adnitwo.columns:
print(col, adnitwo[col].isnull().sum())
Mean imputation to fill in remaining missing values:
#list of column names for columns containing NaNs
for column in adnitwo_dropten:
if adnitwo_dropten[column].isnull().any()==True:
#impute means
meandf = adnitwo_dropten.copy()
for col in cols_with_na:
if adnitwo_dropten[col].dtype=='float64':
meandf[col] = adnitwo_dropten[col].fillna(adnitwo_dropten[col].mean())
else: #for non-numeric data
meandf[col] = adnitwo_dropten[col].fillna(adnitwo_dropten[col].mode()[0])
#confirm imputation success
#np.any(pd.isnull(meandf)) #If `False`, confirms that meandf is now Nan-free
adnimerge[adnimerge['COLPROT']== 'ADNI2'].groupby('VISCODE').count()['RID']
adni2_m24_brainvol = adnimerge.loc[adnimerge['COLPROT']=='ADNI2'].loc[adnimerge['VISCODE'] == 'm24'][['RID','WholeBrain']]
#add a prefix to column name
#merge m24 brain vol data with meandf
merged_meandf_m24 = pd.merge(left=meandf, right=adni2_m24_brainvol, left_on='RID', right_on='m24_RID', how='left')
#checking number of cases with CN, MCI and AD
One-hot encode categorical variables for use as model predictors:
categorical_variables = ['PTGENDER', 'PTETHCAT', 'PTRACCAT', 'PTMARRY', 'APOE4']
modeldf = pd.get_dummies(merged_meandf_m24, columns=categorical_variables, drop_first=True)
modeldf.columns #confirm appropriate one-hot encoding
Drop variables that are not useful for prediction:
data_full = modeldf.drop(['RID', 'PTID', 'VISCODE_x', 'SITE', 'COLPROT', 'ORIGPROT',
'EXAMDATE', 'DX_bl', 'PTEDUCAT', 'update_stamp_x', 'update_stamp_y',
'm24_RID', 'm24_WholeBrain', 'VISCODE_y', 'BATCH',
'KIT', 'STDS', 'DRWDTE', 'RUNDATE', 'DX', 'Month', 'CDRSB'], axis=1)
data_full['Base_DX'] = data_full['Base_DX'].apply(pd.to_numeric)
#X = data_full.iloc[:, :-1].values
#y = data_full['Base_DX']
#X = modeldf[usefulcols].values[:,:-1]
#y = modeldf[usefulcols].values[:,-1]
Split data into training set and test set (70-25 split):
data_train, data_test = train_test_split(data_full, test_size = 0.25, random_state=9001)
data_train.shape, data_test.shape
Standardize predictors:
cont_cols = ['AGE', 'FDG', 'AV45', 'ADAS13', 'MMSE',
'RAVLT_immediate', 'RAVLT_learning', 'RAVLT_forgetting',
'RAVLT_perc_forgetting', 'FAQ', 'MOCA', 'EcogPtMem', 'EcogPtLang',
'EcogPtVisspat', 'EcogPtPlan', 'EcogPtOrgan', 'EcogPtDivatt',
'EcogPtTotal', 'EcogSPMem', 'EcogSPLang', 'EcogSPVisspat', 'EcogSPPlan',
'EcogSPOrgan', 'EcogSPDivatt', 'EcogSPTotal', 'Ventricles',
'Hippocampus', 'WholeBrain', 'Entorhinal', 'Fusiform', 'MidTemp', 'ICV','ABETA',
'TAU', 'PTAU']
stdz_train = data_train.copy()
stdz_test = data_test.copy()
def stdit(a,a_mean,a_std): #Standardizing continous data to be used in classification model
a = float(a)
return a
for col in cont_cols:
a_mean = data_train[col].mean()
a_std = data_train[col].std()
stdz_train[col] = stdz_train[col].apply(lambda s: stdit(s,a_mean,a_std))
stdz_test[col] = stdz_test[col].apply(lambda s: stdit(s,a_mean,a_std))
Further split training set into train and validation for model selection (80-20 split):
stdz_train_fs, stdz_val = train_test_split(stdz_train, test_size = 0.20, random_state=9001)
Define X and y datasets for model fitting:
X_train = stdz_train_fs.drop('Base_DX', axis=1).values
y_train = stdz_train_fs['Base_DX'].values
X_val = stdz_val.drop('Base_DX', axis=1).values
y_val = stdz_val['Base_DX'].values
X_test = stdz_test.drop('Base_DX', axis=1).values
y_test = stdz_test['Base_DX'].values
X_train.shape, X_test.shape, X_val.shape, y_train.shape, y_test.shape, y_val.shape
score = lambda model, X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val : pd.Series([model.score(X_train, y_train), model.score(X_val, y_val)],index=['Model Training Accuracy', 'Model Validation Accuracy'])
# multinomial logistic regression
clf_mult = LogisticRegressionCV(multi_class='multinomial'), y_train)
clf_mult_score = score(clf_mult,X_train,y_train,X_val,y_val)
# one-vs-rest (OvR) logistic regression
clf_ovr = LogisticRegressionCV(multi_class='ovr'), y_train)
clf_ovr_score = score(clf_ovr,X_train,y_train,X_val,y_val)
# Linear Discriminant Analysis
lda = LDA(), y_train)
lda_score = score(lda,X_train,y_train,X_val,y_val)
# Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
qda = QDA(), y_train)
qda_score = score(qda,X_train,y_train,X_val,y_val)
# k-Nearest Neighbors
cv_scores = []
neighbors = range(1,30)
for k in neighbors:
knn = KNN(n_neighbors=k)
scores = cross_val_score(knn, X_train, y_train, cv=10, scoring='accuracy')
optimal_k = neighbors[cv_scores.index(max(cv_scores))]
knn = KNN(n_neighbors = optimal_k), y_train)
knn_score = score(knn,X_train,y_train,X_val,y_val)
# Decision Tree
cv_scores = []
depths = range(1,50)
for d in depths:
tree = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=d, class_weight='balanced', criterion='entropy')
scores = cross_val_score(tree, X_train, y_train, cv=10, scoring='accuracy')
optimal_d = depths[cv_scores.index(max(cv_scores))]
tree = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=optimal_d, class_weight='balanced', criterion='entropy'), y_train)
tree_score = score(tree,X_train,y_train,X_val,y_val)
score_df = pd.DataFrame({'knn': knn_score,
'clf_multinomial': clf_mult_score,
'clf_ovr': clf_ovr_score,
'lda': lda_score,
'qda': qda_score, 'tree': tree_score})
#calculating performance of best model on test set
clf_mult_tscore = clf_mult.score(X_test, y_test)
print("Classification accuracy of the multinomial logistic regression on the test set is: ",clf_mult_tscore)
# contribution of each bundle to accuracy
dem = ['AGE', 'PTGENDER_Female','PTETHCAT_Hisp/Latino', 'PTETHCAT_Not Hisp/Latino', 'PTRACCAT_Am Indian/Alaskan',
'PTRACCAT_Asian', 'PTRACCAT_Black', 'PTRACCAT_Hawaiian/Other PI', 'PTRACCAT_More than one',
'PTRACCAT_White', 'PTMARRY_Divorced', 'PTMARRY_Married', 'PTMARRY_Never married', 'PTMARRY_Widowed']
gen = ['APOE4_1.0', 'APOE4_2.0']
adas = ['ADAS13']
mmse = ['MMSE']
ravlt = ['RAVLT_immediate', 'RAVLT_learning', 'RAVLT_forgetting',
faq = ['FAQ']
moca =['MOCA']
ecogpt = ['EcogPtMem', 'EcogPtLang',
'EcogPtVisspat', 'EcogPtPlan', 'EcogPtOrgan', 'EcogPtDivatt',
ecogsp = ['EcogSPMem', 'EcogSPLang', 'EcogSPVisspat', 'EcogSPPlan',
'EcogSPOrgan', 'EcogSPDivatt', 'EcogSPTotal']
mri = ['Ventricles',
'Hippocampus', 'WholeBrain', 'Entorhinal', 'Fusiform', 'MidTemp', 'ICV']
pet = ['FDG', 'AV45']
csf = ['ABETA',
'TAU', 'PTAU']
pred_types = {'Demographic':dem, 'Genetic':gen, 'ADAS':adas, 'MMSE':mmse, 'RAVLT':ravlt,'FAQ': faq, 'MOCA':moca, 'ECogPt':ecogpt, 'ECogSP':ecogsp, 'MRI':mri,
all_preds = list(stdz_train_fs.drop('Base_DX', axis=1).columns)
accwithout = {}
#To calculate importance of each predictor to accuracy
curr_preds = list(stdz_train_fs.drop('Base_DX', axis=1).columns)
#Get values for train and validation (instead of test)
for key in pred_types.keys():
this_time = [a for a in curr_preds if a not in pred_types[key]]
X_subtrain= stdz_train_fs[this_time].values
X_subtest = stdz_test[this_time].values, y_train)
accwithout[key] = (clf_mult.score(X_subtrain,y_train),clf_mult.score(X_subtest,y_test))
#get subset of best bundle of predictors
#backword selection using validation accuracy
def sw_back_selection(model,train_df,val_df, pred_types):
curr_types = pred_types.copy()
all_preds = list(train_df.columns)[:-1]
X_subtrain= train_df.iloc[:, :-1].values
y_subtrain = train_df.iloc[:,-1].values
X_subval = val_df.iloc[:,:-1].values
y_subval = val_df.iloc[:,-1].values, y_subtrain)
predictors = [(all_preds, "none",clf_mult.score(X_subval,y_subval))]
for k in range(len(pred_types),1,-1):
best_k_predictors = predictors[-1][0]
val_acc = {}
for key in curr_types.keys():
this_time = [a for a in best_k_predictors if a not in curr_types[key]]
X_subtrain= train_df[this_time].values
X_subval = val_df[this_time].values, y_subtrain)
val_acc[key] = clf_mult.score(X_subval,y_subval)
best_k_minus_1 = list(set(best_k_predictors) - set(curr_types[list(val_acc.keys())[np.argmax(list(val_acc.values()))]]))
del curr_types[list(val_acc.keys())[np.argmax(list(val_acc.values()))]]
predictors.append((best_k_minus_1, list(val_acc.keys())[np.argmax(list(val_acc.values()))],np.max(list(val_acc.values()))))
return predictors
selection_res = sw_back_selection(clf_mult,stdz_train_fs,stdz_val,pred_types)
#print("Best subset of predictors is {} with a validation accuracy of {}".format(best_back_selection[0],best_back_selection[1]))
best_back_selection = sorted(selection_res, key=lambda t: t[2],reverse=True)[0]
The backwards selection process results in dropping the following predictors:
dropped = []
for i in range(1,8):
print('Predictors dropped:', dropped)
print('Remaining predictors after backward selection:', selection_res[7][0])
We estimate monetary costs and savings of predictor bundles in order to select the most cost-effective predictors of Alzheimer's. The estimated monetary costs of predictors are based on direct costs of clinical tests, estimated as detailed in the accompanying website report. Savings estimated are those due to early detection of Alzheimer's which allows early intervention and associated savings to the healthcare system. These are estimated as described in the website report.
acc_inc = list(np.array(list(accwithout.values()))[:,1]-0.75)
test_C = [192, 463, 0, 192, 192, 192, 149, 192, 192, 1102, 7700, 192]
det_T = [3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] #1 is highest savings (early detection); 3 is late detection
tot_C = [12050, 6392, 5929, 12050, 12050, 12050, 149, 12050, 12050, 12960, 19558, 12050]
bundles = ['ADAS','CSF','Demographic','ECogPt','ECogSP','FAQ','Genetic','MMSE','MOCA','MRI','PET','RAVLT']
Predictors were bundled according to shared cost (e.g. every MRI metric comes from the same cost of a single brain MRI). The contribution of each predictor bundle to model accuracy was calculated above by comparing the accuracy of the complete model to a model missing each bundle of predictors, separately for each bundle. Removing these predictor sets always resulted in lower model accuracies. The absolute value of the decrease in model accuracy when removing a predictor bundle is considered that bundle's contribution to model accuracy.
plt.scatter(acc_inc, test_C)
plt.title('Cost vs. Contribution to Model Accuracy')
plt.xlabel('Bundle Contribution to Model Accuracy')
plt.ylabel('Test Bundle Cost ($)')
for (i,x,y) in zip(bundles,acc_inc,test_C):
plt.annotate(i,xy=(x,y), alpha=.8)
The ability of a test bundle to detect Alzheimer's earlier versus later is an added bonus to that bundle's utility. Detection timing and associated savings were estimated as detailed in the report. Below we plot the timing of detection (1=earliest possible detection, 2=medium timing, 3=latest possible detection) against bundle importance to the model.
plt.title('Stage of Detection vs. Contribution to Model Accuracy')
plt.xlabel('Bundle Contribution to Model Accuracy')
plt.ylabel('Stage of Detection (early to late)')
for (i,x,y) in zip(bundles,acc_inc,det_T):
plt.annotate(i,xy=(x,y), alpha=.8)
Below we combine cost and savings from early detection by considering the lack of savings in late detection as if it were an additional cost. The combined metric is therefore the sum of the absolute values of costs and savings for each predictor bundle.
plt.title('Cost Summary vs. Contribution to Model Accuracy')
plt.xlabel('Bundle Contribution to Model Accuracy')
plt.ylabel('Cost Summary ($)')
for (i,x,y) in zip(bundles,acc_inc,tot_C):
plt.annotate(i,xy=(x,y), alpha=.8)
The genetic bundle (comprised only of APOE4 in this analysis) provides the greatest contribution to model accuracy for the least overall cost.